Self Proclaimed "Liberal Democrat" Blames Bush, Mocks Constitution

October 27, 2010 - We've had the pleasure of following arrest30quite a few races this year here in Massachusetts.  While this often means listening to nauseating speeches from our friends on the left, we can always rely on seven-term incumbent James McGovern (MA03) to always outdo himself and his party.

Over the past few weeks, McGovern has managed to hit the progressive trifecta as he mocks the Constitution, declare himself a "Liberal Democrat" and then finally last night attempts to play the "Blame Bush" card.

Little more can be expected from a man whose voting record is actually to the LEFT of Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank.  With that in mind, someone really needs to ask McGovern if he really thinks his district is more liberal than San Fransisco, or if he simply gets to do whatever he wants in between elections.

If you don't have the pleasure of voting against this guy next Tuesday, do America a favor and send a few dollars to the man running against this guy.

Blames Bush

I'm a liberal Democrat

The Constitution is wrong

(Not even the American Flag can stand this guy)

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