Barney Frank Endorsed by 1992 "GOP" Challenger (Insert Cricket Sound)

October 29, 2010 - Today Barney Frank announcedbarney-frank that he has been endorsed by his "Republican" challenger from the 1992 election cycle Edward McCormick, III.  We actually think this is a good sign for Frank's current challenger Sean Bielat.  With only 3 full days until election day, Barney Frank is all but out of time to release an endorsement or other news that would help his struggling reelection campaign.  We wish we could tell you more about Edward McCormick but, unfortunately, we were both in grade school during the '92 election cycle and as a google search will tell you that was apparently the last time McCormick has been relevant.   What little we do know about McCormick doesn't boad well for his credibility as the voice of "moderate" republicans.  The last person to be graced with his endorsement was our current Governor Deval Patrick.  Patrick will go down in history here in MA as the only governor we've had who's negatives are second only to the New York Yankees. 

For those that aren't lucky enough to live in or around Frank's district it's hard to convey the energy and groundswell of support that is taking form in this election.  Last night Cook announced that the Massachusetts' 4th congressional district only "Leans Democrat", an upgrade from his previous rating of "likely Democrat".  This story broke on the heels of our leaked internal memo from the Bielat campaign showing Sean in a statistical dead head with Frank.

As surprising as the McCormick endorsement is for the sheer irrelevance factor, this actually makes a tiny bit of sense.  Even in his cozy gerrymandered district which has protected him for the past 30 years, Frank has become somewhat of a social pariah.  The last time Barney held a joint event, with our governor Deval Patrick, they were both greeted with a giant dancing dinosaur (you can't make this stuff up).


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