VIDEO: Barney's Winning Strategy - PORK!

October 25, 2010 Middleboro, MA-Barney Frank, in hisbarnypiggyface2_copy own words, declares the difference between himself and Sean Bielat: Pork.

"Frankly, this is the difference I have with Sean Bielat... he says 'No earmarks'.  I think, if you don't earmark something from Massachusetts... that's, that's nothing. I mean, that's been the historical pattern with bureaucrats in Washington (inaudible)" Barney Frank stated to a constituent and continued, "I intend to, as a member of the congress, I get the right to say these things. If I'm representing this area I would use the right  that I would  have to say where the money goes..." This statement was made shortly after explaining to the same woman that he would like Massachusetts infrastructure projects put in an earmark on the next bill-the "Highway Bill" coming next year-which he said would be "HUNDREDS of MILLIONS" of tax dollars and he will have a chance to insist on earmarking it. (See video below)

Footage was shot at an event where Barney Frank was delivering a $2M stimulus check to Gov. Deval Patrick to redesign a rotary in Middleboro, MA.

To bring an air of comedy, someone who clearly did NOT support Barney showed up in a purple dinosaur costume with a sign that read "There's no such thing as shovel-ready projects".

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