Barney Frank is SCARED - Loans Himself $200k

Barney Frank shows he still supports risky loans by lending $200,000 to his own campaign.

October 19, 2010 - Do you think you Barney Frank could beat Sean Bielatbarney-frank with $1,082,779.07 on hand?  Barney Frank doesn't.  Barney has just loaned his campaign $200,000 of his own money.
In his last FEC disclosure for period 08/26/2010-09/30/2010, Barney Frank had $1,082,779.07 left as cash on hand.  Granted, this is a lagging indicator, but his fundraising must not be going well if his operating expenditures for the month of October left him with no other option but to take a hammer to his Fannie Mae piggie bank.

In our political experience, the only thing that could burn through campaign cash that fast is MASSIVE media-buys for both radio and television.  This means we could all be blessed with some youtube gold shortly as Barney rolls out ads that demonstrate his charming personality and affinity for revisionist history. 
 Cash on hand:
Barney's donation:

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