I'm Heading to NYC for 9/11 Rally on Dec. 5th. Why aren't you?

I'm not normally the impulsive type, let alone the type that fixates on a news story, but after hearing the pleas of the the 9/11 families the other day, I can't seem to help myself. This video provides a decent recap of the press conference:



The official press release from the families site reads as follows:






What: December 5th rally protesting the NYC based trial of 9/11 conspirators
When: Saturday, December 5th, 2009 12:00 noon

The 9/11 Never Forget Coalition, a diverse group of 9/11 victims, family members, first responders, active and reserve members of the military, veterans, and concerned Americans, is holding December 5th rally protesting the plan to bring the 9/11 terrorist conspirators to trial in New York City.

The Coalition formed to fight the decision of President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder to try the 9/11 co-conspirators in New York City’s federal court, effectively giving war criminals the same rights as American citizens while endangering the safety of all New Yorkers.

Two weeks ago, we sent a letter signed by 300 family members of 9/11 victims to the President, Attorney General and Defense Secretary Robert Gates asking them to reverse course. The letter has now been signed by over 120,000 Americans: Read it here and co-sign it here.

Debra Burlingame, founder of 911 Families for a Safe and Strong America, said “Our rally on Saturday, December 5 will tell Attorney General Eric Holder, President Barack Obama and their supporters in Congress: We will fight you all the way!”



Foley Square, New York. The Courthouse is the building in the center.

Now, I took the time to read through both sites, and to sign the petition. Please be sure to do the same. If you can't attend the rally, putting your name on that list is the least you can do.

It was at this point that I couldn't get the thought of going out of my head. I don't want to be disingenuous: I didn't loose any family or friends on 9/11 (not that I think that matters). My reasons for going are pretty simple; I have the time and the ability to stand in solidarity with those who did lose loved ones. I believe that these terrorists should NOT be tried in civilian courts. They should have been tried in military tribunals years ago. Damn you, Bush, for kicking the can down the road on this. Not only does this put yet another bullseye on New York city, but this is going to be a show trial of truly epic proportions. The disdain that the present administration has for the previous one is palpable. The previous administration is going to be on trial just as much as the terrorists, who conveniently get a very loud bully pulpit to espouse their vile message. This flies in the face of our brave men and women who have died in foreign lands to make their capture possible.


Other concerns are well articulated by former Clinton advisor Dick Morris:

...And the very concept of trying terrorists under American law creates a slippery slope. We specifically allow our military and intelligence operatives to proceed without the procedural safeguards enumerated in the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments.

That is because we did not plan to try them in civilian courts, we did not take care to see that the evidence against them was obtained so as to be admissible in a civilian court.

But if Obama is now to reverse field and, in fact, try these terrorists, the results might be disastrous. The prosecutors will probably not be able to get the best evidence against them in because it was gathered without an eye to its admissibility in a criminal trial. For example, the best evidence against the 20th hijacker, Zacharias Moussaoui, could not be used, so he did not get a death sentence.


I'm not so naive as to think that public opinion will sway these court proceedings. For me I see this as yet another example of Americans not being heard by their government. Where we can't change anything with these proceedings we can however put the fear of god in those who need our vote for reelection. If we have a loud enough voice we can draw a line in the sand and proclaim, NEVER AGAIN.

I do have an ulterior motive for wanting to attend this rally. Foley Square is only a few blocks from the World Trade Center site. I have never been there and I would truly think less of myself if I were that close and did not stop by to pay my respects.



Foley Square is marked with the A The World Trade Center shouldn't need to be pointed out.


To be honest, I do harbor some guilt from 9/11. Shortly after midnight on September 12, the call went out for anyone with experience working on construction equipment, mechanics, machine operators and construction workers to please come down and volunteer. At the time I was working as a diesel mechanic and preventative maintenance tech on construction equipment in Boston, 4-5 hours away. I did approach my boss about going that morning only to be denied the time off. Granted I did try, but I always wonder what would have happened had I really pressed the issue, or had I just gone, work be damned . I'm not going to lie and say this weighs too heavily on my mind, but it's one of those "what if's" that will probably haunt me till the day I die.

I'm flying solo on this trip, but I promise I'll shoot plenty of pictures and videos. If anyone is planning on attending and would like to meet up in person feel free to get in touch with me.


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