This vidoe series comes compliments of our good friend Jeffrey LaPort over at Standing Firm.
Amnesty is Rewarding Criminals and not an Option!
Today Obama spoke about Immigration Reform but let's be real. Anyone with a functioning brain stem knows that his agenda is to secure amnesty for all Illegals and in that way boost the numbers of voters in the democrat column.
Its not about the people to Obama and the left its about power. Keeping what they have and acquiring more.
I just posted a video today discussing that and a few weeks ago I made a 5 part series called "Tearing Down America's Sovereignty." The series addressed, clarified, and proposed realistic and attainable solutions to illegal immigration.
Please take a minute to watch these videos over the next few days and get informed because the left is going to start pushing hard on amnesty and we need to be prepared.
Also the left is going to try to make this all about race even though race has nothing to do with it. Be informed and ready to stomp their ignorant arguments into dust.
2: Why illegals are Bad
3: Helping Illegals
4: The Truth about Arizona Law
5: Solving the Problem