It's Your Party, Now Go Cry If You Want To

It's official ladies and gentlemen I have left the Republican party.
(The irony of the color of this slip gave me a chuckle.)
My decision to leave the Republican party wasn't a hard one to make. As I attempt to articulate my reasons for doing this I find writing a post considerably harder then I thought it would be. If we were not in the digital age I assure you that I would be waist deep in crumpled pieces of paper.
One point I feel I must touch upon is that my decision to leave the party is in no way any sort of condemnation of my friends and fellow patriots who still refer to themselves as Republicans. My problem is with the party, or parties in general, not with specific people.
I feel as though both parties have become too big, too powerful, too well established and too entrenched for the good of their members. If you follow the money, you discover that the same special interest groups fund candidates on both sides of the aisle. There are little to no repercussions for broken campaign promises as the parties care more about the size of their caucus then anything else. I'm tired of a system where our politicians are for sale to the highest bidder.


It's official ladies and gentlemen I have left the Republican party.

(The irony of the color of this slip gave me a chuckle.)


My decision to leave the Republican party wasn't a hard one to make. As I attempt to articulate my reasons for doing this I find writing a post considerably harder then I thought it would be. If we were not in the digital age I assure you that I would be waist deep in crumpled pieces of paper.

One point I feel I must touch upon is that my decision to leave the party is in no way any sort of condemnation of my friends and fellow patriots who still refer to themselves as Republicans. My problem is with the party, or parties in general, not with specific people.

I feel as though both parties have become too big, too powerful, too well established and too entrenched for the good of their members. If you follow the money, you discover that the same special interest groups fund candidates on both sides of the aisle. There are little to no repercussions for broken campaign promises as the parties care more about the size of their caucus then anything else. I'm tired of a system where our politicians are for sale to the highest bidder.



Where I'd now like to discuss the failures and dangers of political parties in general, Angel has already hit this point out of the park, so I'll let her take it from here...


The Party’s Over:

Inside the Mind of a “Born-Again Independent”


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