"You can fool some people sometimes, but you can't fool all the people all the time..."-Bob Marley and the Wailers

This Thursday (November 5, 2009), could quite possibly be the single most important protest in modern history. At noon, on Congress’ doorstep in DC, many Americans are making a “house call” to their representatives in Congress. We will be demanding they cease and desist with corrupt legislation. Those who think this is about healthcare are sadly mistaken. It is much more than that. What I am saying to you, my dear Americans, is: This is the last time we may have to stand up to our abusive, corrupt government peacefully-and it is our duty to do so.
"It is the duty of every patriot to protect his country from its government" -
Thomas Paine
Any of you Tea Party-goers who went and protested against big government as you held your signs, yelled and rallied, then went home and wondered what the next step will be…well, this is it. The true test of commitment is now. Did you protest out of convenience? Or, are you like me, finally mad as hell and willing to step out of your comfort zone to fight???
This legislation that is being forced through now, despite the majority of Americans being against it, contains some of the most devastating verbiage to the United States Constitution (never mind the fact the federal government has no authority to entertain such notions).
No one will read it. 2000 pages of new government agencies, bureaucracies, and unprecedented taxation that cost TRILLIONS of dollars. Trillions of dollars that we don’t have, so we borrow it from China with our land and our children’s futures as collateral. NO ONE WILL READ THE LEGISLATION (I remind you, it is their job to read and understand legislation-not to mention bills are to be short and simple so ALL AMERICANS have a clear understanding of the law) and they don’t want to give you access or time to read it either… Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank and others have already promised that this legislation will lead to a single-payer system which is in fact the backbone of socialism. The House is being pressured by thuggish unions, lobbyists, corporations and elitist celebrities to go against the Constitution and the people they represent and ram this through before anyone can object. So, why are they doing it??? Government control…
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of
liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day
America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened." –
Norman Thomas, American socialist
As I was saying before, my fellow Americans, this could very well be our last stand to make our point peacefully. Once socialism is introduced to a nation, it must be forcefully removed…and that’s if we’re still allowed to have guns and aren’t policed in our every action. Has anyone seen V for Vendetta? I would like to share the speech V (the lead character) makes before calling for an upheaval of corrupt government (Keep in mind that, this movie takes place in London in the future. America had already destroyed itself with sin and lack of vigilance, and a religious zealot much like Hitler had come to control the UK for “people’s own good”):
Notice when V asks “How did this happen; who’s to blame?” He is talking about the very pivotal moment we are facing right now. We can choose to embrace our government out of comfort and protection (please see my last postwhere I explain the dangers of that), or we can, right now, stand up and declare that our freedom the founders fought for us to have is far too precious to throw away for any reason. The movie (spoiler alert) goes on to a violent revolution where monuments and government buildings are destroyed; leaders are assassinated-leaving the citizens completely exposed to anarchy and mob rule.
My colleague, Shane, said to me when we discussed attending this protest, “What would I tell my kids one day when they ask 'where were you when the republic died'?” We both decided that, if ever faced with this question by our children, we must be able to say we tried everything to stop it and we therefore cannot miss this event.
I hate to sound grave, my fellow citizens, but, historically, no nation has ever survived legislation and spending such as this. This is not to be taken lightly. If we, who were so willing to attend Tea Parties and Town Hall Meetings, cannot stand up now when tyranny, oppression, corruption and utter defiance of the Constitution is at its worst, then all of our efforts were sadly in vain. Once this legislation goes through, only an act of war could undo it. Some of you, from what I’ve heard, are ready to accept that as an answer if need be, but I’d like to point out that we are SURROUNDED by enemies of America who want nothing more than to see us fighting so they can feast on the confusion and attack us in our weakened state. Either route, Socialism or War, could bring about our demise. We could never get our Republic back if this happens short of a miracle.
Join us as we peacefully and rightfully take back what’s always belonged to us. This is history in the making. To those of you who say “I would, but I have work/bills/commitments/etc...” ask yourself: Will those commitments and opportunities be there after socialism takes hold? What is your freedom worth to you? What is your children and grandchildren’s freedom worth to you? Countless Americans are making this sacrifice Thursday. Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann will lead us through the halls of Congress and force our Representatives to face us and tell us they’re willing to break the law and lose their jobs for socialism.
This is the theme song of the movement that will be playing in my head the whole time:
I hope to see you all there. Shane and I will be streaming live coverage on COTErack.com. Make noise. We’re not gonna take it anymore!

This Thursday (November 5, 2009), could quite possibly be the single most important protest in modern history. At noon, on Congress’ doorstep in DC, many Americans are making a “house call” to their representatives in Congress. We will be demanding they cease and desist with corrupt legislation. Those who think this is about healthcare are sadly mistaken. It is much more than that. What I am saying to you, my dear Americans, is: This is the last time we may have to stand up to our abusive, corrupt government peacefully-and it is our duty to do so.

"It is the duty of every patriot to protect his country from its government"
-Thomas Paine


Any of you Tea Party-goers who went and protested against big government as you held your signs, yelled and rallied, then went home and wondered what the next step will be…well, this is it. The true test of commitment is now. Did you protest out of convenience? Or, are you like me, finally mad as hell and willing to step out of your comfort zone to fight???

This legislation that is being forced through now, despite the majority of Americans being against it, contains some of the most devastating verbiage to the United States Constitution (never mind the fact the federal government has no authority to entertain such notions).

No one will read it. 2000 pages of new government agencies, bureaucracies, and unprecedented taxation that cost TRILLIONS of dollars. Trillions of dollars that we don’t have, so we borrow it from China with our land and our children’s futures as collateral. NO ONE WILL READ THE LEGISLATION (I remind you, it is their job to read and understand legislation-not to mention bills are to be short and simple so ALL AMERICANS have a clear understanding of the law) and they don’t want to give you access or time to read it either… Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank and others have already promised that this legislation will lead to a single-payer system which is in fact the backbone of socialism. The House is being pressured by thuggish unions, lobbyists, corporations and elitist celebrities to go against the Constitution and the people they represent and ram this through before anyone can object. So, why are they doing it??? Government control…


"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name ofliberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."
–Norman Thomas, American socialist


As I was saying before, my fellow Americans, this could very well be our last stand to make our point peacefully. Once socialism is introduced to a nation, it must be forcefully removed…and that’s if we’re still allowed to have guns and aren’t policed in our every action. Has anyone seen V for Vendetta? I would like to share the speech V (the lead character) makes before calling for an upheaval of corrupt government (Keep in mind that, this movie takes place in London in the future. America had already destroyed itself with sin and lack of vigilance, and a religious zealot much like Hitler had come to control the UK for “people’s own good”):





Notice when V asks “How did this happen; who’s to blame?” He is talking about the very pivotal moment we are facing right now. We can choose to embrace our government out of comfort and protection (please see my last post where I explain the dangers of that), or we can, right now, stand up and declare that our freedom the founders fought for us to have is far too precious to throw away for any reason. The movie (spoiler alert) goes on to a violent revolution where monuments and government buildings are destroyed; leaders are assassinated-leaving the citizens completely exposed to anarchy and mob rule.


My colleague, Shane, said to me when we discussed attending this protest, “What would I tell my kids one day when they ask 'where were you when the republic died'?” We both decided that, if ever faced with this question by our children, we must be able to say we tried everything to stop it and we therefore cannot miss this event.

I hate to sound grave, my fellow citizens, but, historically, no nation has ever survived legislation and spending such as this. This is not to be taken lightly. If we, who were so willing to attend Tea Parties and Town Hall Meetings, cannot stand up now when tyranny, oppression, corruption and utter defiance of the Constitution is at its worst, then all of our efforts were sadly in vain. Once this legislation goes through, only an act of war could undo it. Some of you, from what I’ve heard, are ready to accept that as an answer if need be, but I’d like to point out that we are SURROUNDED by enemies of America who want nothing more than to see us fighting so they can feast on the confusion and attack us in our weakened state. Either route, Socialism or War, could bring about our demise. We could never get our Republic back if this happens short of a miracle.

Join us as we peacefully and rightfully take back what’s always belonged to us. This is history in the making. To those of you who say “I would, but I have work/bills/commitments/etc...” ask yourself: Will those commitments and opportunities be there after socialism takes hold? What is your freedom worth to you? What is your children and grandchildren’s freedom worth to you? Countless Americans are making this sacrifice Thursday. Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann will lead us through the halls of Congress and force our Representatives to face us and tell us they’re willing to break the law and lose their jobs for socialism.
This is the theme song of the movement that will be playing in my head the whole time:



I hope to see you all there. Shane and I will be streaming live coverage on COTErack.com. Make noise. We’re not gonna take it anymore!

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