#6 Patriots Most Wanted: Chuck Schumer

We present to you our non-official "Top 10 Most Wanted" based on responses we've received from our readers; #1 being the worst offender in their opinion. This November will be pivotal and historic. While no incumbent should go unweeded, these notorious constitutional-offenders (and, in some cases, criminals) are worthy of national attention.
2007_11_senator_charles_schumerWho:     Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer
What:    US Senate
Where:  New York
When:   Since 1999 

If ever there was an award given to the member of the Congress for "shameless self-promotion", Chuck Schumer would win the gold.  Former Presidential candidate Bob Dole once said,

"The most dangerous place in Washington is between Charles Schumer and a television camera.
It's one thing to be a party hack and a proud progressive, but it's another to announce it to the world at every available opportunity.  It only takes one trip to his campaign website to see how in love with himself he is.  Every candidate likes to promote being in the press but, Schumer has proven, it is possible to take that an extreme.
Being vain alone isn't quite what it takes to make it on our list, but being a shutter-fly has left us a treasure trove of progressive video gems. 

How about Schumer's take on Pork:

His support of the Fairness Doctrine:

How about his nuclear pandering to then Supreme Court nominee Sonya Sotomayor:

Far be it from us to imply that Chuck Schumer is an elitist, however it is alleged that back on December 13th, 2009 he called a flight attendant a "bitch" for having the audacity to ask him to turn off his cell phone while the plane was preparing to take off. 
Shumer also has the distinction of having the largest war chest of any Congressional member of either House, tipping the scales at a whopping $21.8 million dollars.   Now, how is it possible for a Senator to raise that much money?  One only has to look at his current committee assignments:

  • Committee on Finance 
  • Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs
  • Committee on the Judiciary

Who are Chuck Schumer's top donors? As listed on OpenSecrets.org

  • Securities & Investment $2,078,699
  • Lawyers/Law Firms         $1,696,339
  • Real Estate                        $893,140
  • Misc Finance                     $418,700

To us, it seems as though these donations are an outright abuse of his committee assignments if not outright graft and corruption. 

From Project Vote Smart:
The one positive thing we can say about Chuck Shumer is that he is a staunch supporter of Israel.  For this we'll give Schumer a golf clap, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.  Schumer is simply another heavily-entrenched, corrupt politician with an over-inflated ego.
We rely heavily on boots-on-the-ground information, so if you or anyone you know have tips on the candidate to watch in these elections or news on the election as it breaks, please post the information in the "comments" section.


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