#7 Patriots Most Wanted: John McCain

We present to you our non-official "Top 10 Most Wanted" based on responses we've received from our readers; #1 being the worst offender in their opinion. This November will be pivotal and historic. While no incumbent should go unweeded, these notorious constitutional-offenders (and, in some cases, criminals) are worthy of national attention.

john_mccain_god_fatherWho:    John McCain (John Sidney McCain III) 
What:   US Senate
Where: Arizona
When:  Since 1987
**We'll get the customary disclosure out of the way first.  Yes, John McCain is a decorated and selfless war hero, so exemplary, the words almost seem unfitting for his caliber of courage and sacrifice.  We have nothing but the highest level of respect for our veterans. 

With that out of the way, John McCain is the personification of a RINO (Republican In Name Only).  He may have been the Republican nominee for President in 2008 and thus being the last great hope to stop Obama.  Well, we all know how that worked out.  McCain ran what can only be described as the most lackluster campaign in recent memory.

When given the opportunity to address the radical associations and policies of then Presidential candidate Barack Obama, McCain assured us that he was a decent man, and we had nothing to worry about.  Good call, Senator. 


Granted, everyone makes mistakes, but let us not forget that John McCain was the champion of amnesty for all illegal immigrants "comprehensive immigration reform".  On Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) 2008, he announced that he would be offering a Spanish version of his campaign website and that he would be attending the annual conference of "La Raza" ("The Race").  This was the same group that honored him in 1999 and at whose national convention he gave a keynote speech at in 2004.  He wasn't shy either about his record on immigration policies.

That was of course until he came to the realization that his constituents didn't share his, and George W Bush's, longing for a "United Americas"- with no border between the US and Mexico.  Phoenix, Arizona (McCain's state) is now the kidnapping capitol of the entire nation.  

From Judical Watch: 
"A major U.S. city long known as an illegal immigrant sanctuary has the nation’s highest rate of ransom kidnappings, virtually all of them connected to Mexican drug cartels that have penetrated the area in the last few years."

Perhaps if we actually had an enforced southern border to speak of and dare we say, a fence, things would be better.

Okay, so that makes it clear.  John McCain will never stand for a fence being built to defend his own constituents from unfettered illegal immigration and narco-terrorists.  Unless he, of course, has an election year epiphany. 

Okay....so the fence is back on the table appearently, despite the fact that in late February of last year at the Budget Submission Hearing for 2011 McCain spoke out against the fence. He referred to it as a "waste of billions of dollars".

Even Glenn Beck, probably the most vocal of all Obama critics stated publicly that he would have voted for Hillary Clinton over McCain if he had been given the opportunity.

It's at this point that we normally list interest group ratings and such, but in this case McCain isn't really that bad on a litany of issues.  Our problem with McCain is his perception of the role of government.  While he may be pro-life and pro-gun, he supports expanding the role of government, open borders, and, yes, cap and trade.  The complete reversal he's had on the immigration issue demonstrates that he's just another aging politician that can't read the writing on the wall.  He's willing to compromise his long held stances for the sake of political expediency and we honestly don't think the voters in Arizona are going to buy it this time.
Best of luck in the primaries, Senator.

In closing, we'd like to leave you with a poignant and hilarious video about John McCain during his campaign against Barack Obama for the presidency. 

We rely heavily on boots-on-the-ground information, so if you or anyone you know have tips on the candidate to watch in these elections or news on the election as it breaks, please post the information in the "comments" section.

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