Give Congress The Straight Fax: A Way We Can't Be Ignored

The best way to contact your US Representative is tofax-machine-4 FAX them.  Phones and voicemails are being ignored, but faxes put our complaints immediately in their hands. They cannot ignore them. There is an easy way to fax for free right from your computer! Go to and follow the easy directions to INSTANTLY write your rep.
Note: You can only contact your own representative-no one else’s.  In order for the fax to count, you MUST put your name, address, phone number and email address or they will ignore it. Fax EVERY OFFICE they have-at home in the district and in DC. Here is an example of Angel’s fax to Barney Frank:
The Honorable Barney Frank
2252 Rayburn House Office Building
United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Representative:
I am writing you to hereby demand that you vote against this health care reform bill and any other bill that furthers government control over private markets.
My reasons for this are outlined below:
1. It is unconstitutional. You took an oath to UPHOLD the constitution-as it was linguistically intended-not as you reinterpret it to serve yourself and your lobbyist ties. You and your colleagues have been in violation of the 10th amendment for quite some time, now and I demand you mind your position. Violation of this oath will have dire consequences to you in the upcoming election and perhaps even in the Justice system. There is a reason why our founders gave federal government limitations and there is a reason why they didn’t put government in charge of people’s lives and health. That should be between a person and their doctor.
2. We don't have the money to pay for it. We don't even have money to support the current government run "entitlements" like Social Security and Medicare. Until you can come up with a way to cover the $53 trillion in unfunded liabilities for these two programs you shouldn't create ANY new government programs. In fact you should be doing the opposite, cutting spending and showing responsibility in your job.
3. It would destroy private-run insurance companies and would mandate all citizens buy into an industry provided by government which seems to supersede its own anti-trust laws by picking and choosing which industries it can control and monopolize.
4. The government doesn't care about its "customers”. We already have government/universal health care in MA and it is FAILING. Our premiums are sky-rocketing; the demands of all the insured cannot be met by the shortage of healthcare providers and jobs, and citizens are leaving the state at such an alarming rate that we are going to lose an entire congressional district. It doesn’t work. My sister has to sell her car to insure herself and her baby because her premium rates keep rising due to government mandates and taxation.
If these reasons can't convince you to vote against the current health care legislation and other corrupt, unconstitutional bills, then maybe this will: This is an election year and I vow to work tirelessly for your opponent to ensure you retire this November. Your approval rating in Congress is at historic lows and I’ve noticed you’ve already begun campaigning and fundraising throughout the district. If these bills pass, start planning your retirement party for November 2nd.
___Your name here___
___Phone Number____
Another way to fight this battle in on your home turf. Find out where you representatives offices are within your district and visit them, demand answers, protest outside.  Get involved with your local Tea Party organization.
Find out who is running against your representative this year and SUPPORT THEM!
Make donations if you can, if you can't afford to, offer to use your home for a fundraiser and invite your friends. Help them collect signatures, door knock, make phone calls.
Even if this legislation doesn't pass this time there will be more bills coming. We all need to get off our respective couches and get into the trenches.
As we see it you have two options this weekend.  Go to Washington as we did on November 5th:
Or go demonstrate outside your Representatives office, like they did yesterday in Dover New Hampshire outside of Carol Shea Porter's office.

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