Party’s Over: Inside the Mind of a 'Born-Again Independent'





Finger-pointing, mudslinging, slogans, rhetoric, spin, lobbyism, fundraising, pundits, tax increases, broken promises, lies and deceit, etc etc etc…I want out! I'm done with paying to be on a losing team…especially one that’s lost sight of the true American spirit…

I want to start from the top; so, bear with me and my garrulous nature while I lay the foundation of my logic.

What exactly governs The United States of America? Most of us, including me, would have been quick to answer this question proudly with “the people!” but we would be wrong. We are not a democracy. Our founding fathers left us a republic: a government of laws, specifically the Constitution. In fact, our founders warned of the dangers of democracies:



"Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself."
John Adams

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin


Our founders recognized that a majority can’t necessarily be trusted. Convince enough people of an ideology-whether good or bad-and you’ll soon find yourself in an oligarchy: a government ruled by a group of people presumed to embody ideals. We all can see that never in history has a democracy served a people well. An oligarchic group seeks power and convinces a people it knows best for them, cradling a people into a trance-like trust that soon fades into tyrannical oppression. One of the best examples of this: The Nazi Party, which won its way into the hearts of Germans by a democratic majority vote.


You may ask as I once did, “Why do we vote?” The answer: to uphold the law and mind the republic. Our Constitution was designed to leave little wiggle-room for government expansion. Our founders intended the checks and balance system to prevent distortion of the law. The three branches of government: the Judicial (the Supreme Court), the Legislative (Senate and the House) and the Executive (the President) aren’t supposed to like one another or work together. Our President is to have the federal collective’s best interest at heart. The Court is to have the law’s best interest at heart. The Senate and the House are to have each of their states and citizen’s best interests at heart (and every citizen should have their liberty’s best interest at heart, which is why we also relied on press to rat out injustice). Each branch, ideally, is supposed to have different vested interests in our system and the struggle to protect those interests is meant to keep the other branches honest. How it was supposed to work:


*Each state votes for 2 Senators to report to the federation and represent equal weight of the 50 states.

*Each Representative in the House is picked by districts within each state to represent the people of only that district. (Already, there should be many varying opinions and concerns enough to prevent power gain, if followed correctly).

*The states, not the people, vote for the president. (While the people within their states vote, they are only voting for which way they would like their state to vote, but each state’s vote is carefully weighted to not counteract any other state. For example, while Ohio may have a smaller population than California, it is no less of a state. This is why the Electoral College exists. We are like mini countries within one union-and not one entity is more important than the other to the federation.)

*Once the President is picked by the states, he is entrusted to appoint judges to the Supreme Court based on their ability and reputation to correctly interpret and uphold the laws of the land, but Congress must approve or it cannot be.


Really, Senators and Representatives should not live in Washington DC. They are supposed to be citizens living amongst their peers, with jobs of their own in their own states, witnessing their neighbor’s concerns and struggles first-hand. Serving the people is a sacrifice, on behalf of liberty, to be an honest voice when called upon to meet. They were never intended to be a part of the “political machine”-they belong under the jurisdiction of their own state’s Constitution.


The only way to “throw off” this entirely intricate and balanced system is to introduce organized thought by way of a political party. You see, no matter what the ideals may be in a political party, their intentions are always the same: to overpower the balanced system and get provisions in law while they control more than one branch. It’s cheating. It has happened since the very beginning. People used to be weary of those who identified with a political party, but eventually only political parties would offer candidates, so people had to pick the better of 2 poisons. Political parties reached across state lines and, eventually people started to lose interest in their states and gain interest in the federal collective.


Today, for example, Democrats (or “liberals” or "progressives" as they would call themselves) are in control of every branch of government. The Democrat Party owes a lot of people favors. There are powerful lobbyists, corporations and unions to whom the party has made promises in order to gain power. When a Democrat sits in the Executive chair (President Barack Obama), he sits with power and weight of everyone behind him, thus throwing off the balance of the branches. When Democrats are in the Legislative branch, they do the President’s bidding, which defies the Constitution. They lend the power of the Legislative branch to the already overweight Executive branch. The Judicial system has sympathy with the "progressive/liberal" movement (because they've been hand-picked based on ideology) and has even used foreign laws to serve their agenda, thus corrupting and violating the entire American system. This is no longer a "checks and balance" system, but classic centralized power. Our present situation: The Democrat party is in complete control. That’s beyond democracy; it is an oligarchy, and what we were warned about by our founders. While in control, they’ll make power-grabs, rendering the Constitution less and less relevant.

I’m only using the Democrats as an example now, because it’s a perfect specimen of what can go wrong, but Republicans have done it too…and are currently selling out their core beliefs to steal power back.

They want in on the oligarchy so badly; they’ll recruit liberals in “Republican” clothing as a power play. We know them as "RINOs" (Republican In Name Only). Both parties will tell you we have a democracy here in America. They need you to believe that for the sake of their agenda. They’re lying to you for your blind trust. You can tell because the Republican Representatives and Senators make a plea to any Republican voter in any state, thus breaking their Constitutional obligation to the people they serve. Both parties have tried to do away with the Electoral College…that’s a major warning sign.


How do we fix all of this? First, register independent/undecided/unenrolled. Political parties have had it too good for too long. They only campaign to undecided voters, which is why, in Presidential Campaigns, you see them only go to places like Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, etc. If we all registered independent, it will make them listen to you instead of making you listen to them. I’m not saying don’t vote for a Democrat or a Republican, but question where their loyalty really lies. Make them state what they want to do if elected, and then make clear that your vote is only to uphold the Constitution, not serve partisan politics. Get vocal. Don’t let parties bully you-don’t let them slander you into quiet submission. You are the boss. You are protected by the laws of the land. Those who fail you are in violation of the Constitution…no matter how long we’ve let their unethical behavior slide unbeknownst to ourselves.


(PS all my blogs will not be this cumbersome and boring, but I feel my opinions need to be prefaced with where I stand as a Constitutionalist Independent)

“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”
Thomas Jefferson

"I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by the gradual and silent encroachment of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpation."
President James Madison (1751-1836) speech, Virginia Convention,

"It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government."
Thomas Paine

"We the People are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts--not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
Abraham Lincoln

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests."
Patrick Henry





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