Congressman Critz will not condemn Murtha's Haditha Statements

(From an anonymous tip...)

"The question was: "Would you publicly condemn the latecritz Congressman Murtha's statement that US Marines killed innocent civilians in cold blood?"   "Why?"

Mark Critz says, "NO!"  He definitively would not condemn Murtha's statements even though all but one of the Haditha Marines has been acquitted or had the charges against them dropped.

Critz continues to spout Murtha's anti-military, anti-Marine message in the face of overwhelming evidence that our Marines did not perform improperly or unlawfully during the Haditha event.

Be further informed about the status of the Haditha marines via these websites...

HADITHA TRIALS ALMOST AT AN END by Nathaniel R. Helms | August 14, 2010

Bombshell Cripples Case Against Haditha Marines

The Disinformation Campaign Against the Haditha Marines Continues

How can Pennsylvanians expect honor and honesty in a man who steals the honor of the US Marine Corps and lies about what they did in combat?

Quite simply, they cannot, and for that reason Mark Critz should be sent home from Washington before he dishonors the whole nation with his lies.


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