Barney Frank is Breaking The Law... Again.

This weekend former President Bill Clinton was calledIMG_3882-1 in to help save Barney Frank in what is easily the toughest reelection race in his life.  Never wanting to miss an opportunity to exercise our 1st amendment rights, we decided to pay Barney and Bill a visit at the High School in Taunton Massachusetts.  Before we even had a chance to break out the bullhorn and start rolling video (to be released later) something caught our eye.

It seems that despite running 15 previous campaigns Barney Frank is still unaware of Federal Election Committee laws governing proper disclaimers on campaign literature.  FEC law 11 CFR 110.11(c)(2)(i), (ii) and (iii) clearly states:

"On printed materials, the disclaimer notice must appear within a printed box set apart from the other contents in the communication.  The print must be of a sufficient type-size to be clearly readable by the recipient of the communication, and the print must have a reasonable degree of color contrast between the background and the printed statement. 11 CFR 110.11(c)(2)(i), (ii) and (iii).


Paid for by the Save the Seahorses Committee and authorized by the
McKay for Senate Committee.



As long as the disclaimer appears somewhere within the communication it does not have to appear on the front page or cover of multiple-paged documents.  However, in the case of single-sided documents and billboards, the disclaimer must appear on the front.  11 CFR 110.11(c)(2)(iv)."

A full lists of all FEC disclosure laws can be found HERE.

Just so nobody thinks that we found the one rogue sign that was misprinted we offer the following:


We respectfully ask Congressman Frank to either amend all the ILLEGAL signage he's using or call for all the the signs to be recalled.  As the senior statesman from the Massachusetts Congressional delegation, he really should show that his campaign is above reproach and set a proper example to all other candidates.

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